2018年12月8日 星期六


自由現金流 = 經營淨現金流 - 資本支出
NT$1,500,000 淨現金流量
- NT$1,000,000 對設備和設備的投資
= NT$500,000 的正自由現金流
Learning Free Cash Flow Analysis and Calculation
Free cash flow calculation is one of the most important results of cash flow analysis. Simply put, free cash flow is the cash that a company leaves behind after paying any capital expenditure, such as new factories or equipment. Some people describe free cash flow as the money a company leaves to investors after fulfilling all its financial obligations, but it's more complicated than that.
Free cash flow became important as part of cash flow analysis several years ago, when corporate fraud cases began to emerge, such as the Enron scandal. Investors are looking for free cash flow because it is not as easy to operate as earnings per share or net income.
Calculating and Free Cash Flow Examples
Free cash flow tracks funds. This is the remaining cash after you pay your bills and any new capital expenditure at the end of the year or quarter. This is what you leave to investors. Here is an example of free cash flow calculation. This is part of a very simple calculation and cash flow analysis.
Free Cash Flow = Operating Net Cash Flow - Capital Expenditure
Net operating cash flow comes from cash flow statement and capital expenditure comes from balance sheet.
If you look at the growth of free cash flow data over the years, it usually means that the company's revenue growth is imminent. If the company has more and more free cash flow, it means that the company is doing something right. They may be enjoying income growth. They can manage their assets effectively.
They may be paying their debts. They may be cutting costs.
If free cash flow falls over a period of time, the company may experience dark clouds. Companies with declining free cash flows can expect declines and deterioration in earnings growth. They may have to shoulder more and more debt and may experience a decline in liquidity.
Keep in mind that free cash flow is not entirely free from accounting fraud. It does not have a regulatory standard, so there are two different ways to calculate. Items such as accounts receivable and accounts payable can be manipulated when payments are received, produced and recorded to make free cash flow look larger than it.
Examples of Free Cash Flow
In the example of cash flow statement, let's calculate the free cash flow of a hypothetical company on the basis of data.
NT $1,500,000 net cash flow
- NT $1,000,000 investment in equipment and equipment
NT $500,000 positive free cash flow
In this case, there is a positive free cash flow. They need to analyze their financial situation very carefully, find their position in financial strength, and any position in financial weakness, so that they can continue to be a successful company.
As a small business owner, free cash flow is a statistic that you should calculate regularly. It will let you know what your company is doing and how much cash you need after all your bills are paid. It shows whether you can continue to expand your company or whether you should wait.

