2018年12月4日 星期二


  1. 銀行存款。雖然你會保有一些零佣金應付公司日常的辦公費用,例如交通費、餐費等,但是公司的主要收支項目,都會透過銀行賬號。你會請客戶將付款打入你公司的銀行賬號,也透過這個賬號支付工資、辦公室租金、採購設備,等等。所以,你必須知道銀行里有多少錢。你可以向銀行申請一個網絡賬號,隨時可以用你的電腦或手機了解銀行存款餘額,以及相關交易往來。必要時,你可以請銀行每月固定給你一張Bank Account Statement, 有的時候,當你需要向其他銀行貸款時,必須出示證明,你有還款的能力。
  2. 了解損益狀況。你每日的忙碌結果,必須能夠反應在公司的營業損益上。雖然不容易維持每個月都能夠產生盈利,有的時候甚至會連續幾個月都處在虧損狀態,但是你要知道你的底線,你還有多少現金可以支撐。若是幸運的,你能夠逐漸擴大盈利,那麼你可以檢討是否可以適度增加投資,例如多聘僱員工,或是多採購生財設備。
  1. 使用線上會計軟體。你可以找到一些免費的線上應用軟體。你可以將你的銀行賬號交易數字複製拖到你的軟體中,然後開創財務報告,和容易了解你的財務損益。設法去找到具有手機版本的會計軟體,會更節省你的時間。
  2. 使用日曆提醒。在你的Google Calendar中設定你各項款項的付款日期,並且提前提醒你,讓你檢查現金餘額、做好準備。你也客製化一份你公司的財務活動提醒表,用你喜歡的顏色色塊,讓你可以分別不同的財務活動。如果可以,將你的財務軟體和你的財務管理日曆建立連接,當接近損益危險時,自動發出警示信號給你。如此,你不會錯過重要的公司財務活動,並且逐漸養成習慣,讓你有財務管理意識。
  3. 弄清楚你的日常花銷哪裡去了?去找到一個APP可以記錄你在辦公室外的各項花費,包含業務公關餐費、交通費、電話費、小額的臨時採購等。將發票或收據,用手機拍攝下來,放到你的Evernote筆記工具軟體上,附記花費的目的、共同用餐的人名等資料。若是你只是隨手將發票收據放進衣服口袋,時間久了,你就容易忘掉。
  4. 做好自動定期付款。你可以和銀行約定好,對於一些定期必須付款的款項,例如工資發放、房租,時間到了,銀行就可以進行轉賬付款。對於可以定期付款的項目盡量安排好如此可以節省你的時間。如此不會讓你產生意外的滯納金罰款損失
  5. 安排每月一次的財務檢討時間。在你每月收到財務報告、銀行對賬單的時候,做約1小時左右的財務檢討。尤其要注意當月的交易往來(收款、付款、下月應收賬款、應付賬款),以及檢查你當月現金餘額和預估下月現金餘額。

Small Enterprises Should Simplify Financial Management
As a small business owner, your main job will be product development and customer development, and most of these jobs, you still have employees to share your work. But some things, such as financial management, have to be managed by yourself. Your company is small. You don't have the luxury of owning a chief financial officer, at most an accountant or just a cashier who keeps accounts. You have to pay attention to the company's critical financial management.
However, in your busy schedule, how do you do a good job in financial management? First of all, it's important to know what financial management concepts you have to pay attention to. Therefore, you have to simplify the important financial work of small businesses, and develop the habit of paying attention to it, and check your basic financial figures regularly.
  1. Bank deposits. Although you will have some zero commission to cover the company's daily office expenses, such as transportation, meals, etc., but the company's main revenue and expenditure items, will be through the bank account. You will ask the customer to enter the payment into your company's bank account, through which you will also pay salaries, office rent, purchase equipment, and so on. So you have to know how much money there is in the bank. You can apply for an online account with the bank. You can always use your computer or mobile phone to know the balance of bank deposits and related transactions. If necessary, you can ask the bank to give you a fixed bank account Statement every month. Sometimes, when you need to borrow from other banks, you must show proof that you have the ability to repay.
  2. Understand the profit and loss situation. The results of your daily busyness must be reflected in the company's business profits and losses. Although it's not easy to maintain monthly profitability, and sometimes even a few consecutive months of loss, you need to know how much cash you have to support your bottom line. If fortunately, you can gradually expand your profits, then you can review whether you can increase investment moderately, such as hiring more employees or purchasing more financial equipment.
How to do it?
  1. Use online accounting software. You can find some free online applications. You can drag copies of your bank account transactions into your software, then create financial reports, and easily understand your financial gains and losses. Finding an accounting software with a mobile version will save you more time.
  2. Use calendar reminders. Set a payment date for each item in your Google Calendar and remind you in advance to check your cash balance and be ready. You can also customize a reminder of your company's financial activities, using your favorite color blocks, so that you can separate different financial activities. If you can, connect your financial software to your financial management calendar and automatically send you a warning signal when you are close to the risk of profit and loss. In this way, you will not miss important corporate financial activities, and gradually develop habits, so that you have financial management awareness.
  3. Find out where your daily expenses go? Find an APP that keeps track of your expenses outside the office, including business PR meals, transportation, phone calls, small temporary purchases, etc. Film the invoice or receipt with your mobile phone and put it on your Evernote notebook software. Note the purpose of the expense and the name of the person who shared the meal. If you just put the invoice receipt in your pocket, it will be easy to forget it over time.
  4. Do a good job of automatic regular payment. You can make an agreement with the bank that when the time comes, the bank can make a transfer payment for some regular payments, such as salary payment and rent. For items that can be paid regularly, try to arrange them so that you can save your time. In this way, you will not have an unexpected late fee penalty loss.
  5. Arrange monthly financial review time. When you receive monthly financial reports and bank statements, do a financial review for about an hour. In particular, pay attention to the current month's transactions (receipts, payments, receivables and accounts payable for next month), as well as check your current month's cash balance and estimate your next month's cash balance.
Bottom line: When you set up a system tool that can track financial records and do a good job of monthly financial review habits, you will find that there is very little time for monthly financial review. You can also avoid unexpected unexpected crises.

