2018年12月4日 星期二


  1. 優化應收賬款程序。確保現金流正常的一個關鍵是應收賬款能夠準時到賬。如果你給予客戶的付款條件很鬆,而且沒有密切注意,你收到客戶付款的時間就很容易會被拖延。你應該建立起標準的營收賬款條款,包含清楚的付款條件與付款程序。然後,不要感到羞赧去接觸客戶,請求如期付款。有的時候,個人的關係,是確保能夠如期收到賬款的重要做法。
  2. 清理過期或是未用的存貨。過期或是未用的存貨不僅會佔據你的空間,而且會浪費你的資金。每年做幾次存貨清點,看你有哪些未來12個月無法銷售的存貨,開始清理這些存貨。你可以考慮打折銷售這些存貨,或是退貨給原供應商。如此,可以收回一些資金。
  3. 綠色辦公室。讓你的辦公室有更好的綠色環境。這不僅是公司的公關形象工作,而且在長期能夠改善公司的財務狀況。並且,這很容易做。你只要每天下班回關掉所有電器設備,使用節電燈,使用回收品。你也可以做無紙辦公作業。這些都可以降低營運成本。
  4. 採用二手貨或是租賃。資金是很寶貴的。對於小事業主,要珍惜每一分錢。辦公設備,盡可能採用二手貨,或是去租賃,讓你的營運資金能夠投入在能夠產生更高生產力的內容上。
  5. 關注現金流。現金流是日常營運中的現金收支。雖然你多半不會每日都給予注意,但是你最好要知道在未來幾周必須支付哪些費用,以及可以收到多少錢。讓自己對現金收支上心,你才不會臨時陷入困窘,可以預先做好準備,并有餘力可以應付突發事件。
Several approaches to the difficulty of spending money in a small business
Even a successful small business can get good benefits from the daily working capital management, make your finances more sound and run larger businesses.
The following are the ways to make your small business better financially:
  1. Optimize the accounts receivable procedure. One key to ensuring the normal cash flow is that the accounts receivable can arrives on time. If you give the customer a very loose payment condition and do not pay close attention to it, the time you receive from the customer will be easily delayed. You should establish a standard account receivable clause containing clear terms of payment and payment procedures. Then, don't be shy to contact the customer, request payment. Sometimes, the personal relationship is an important way to ensure that the accounts can be received on time.
  2. Clean out the overdue or unused stock. Expired or unused stock will not only occupy your space, but also waste your money. Make a few inventory checks every year to see what you have in stock that you can't sell for the next 12 months and start cleaning up the stock. You may consider selling these stocks on discount or returning the goods to the original supplier. So, you can get some money back.
  3. Green office. Let your office have a better green environment. This is not only the company's public relations image work, but also in the long run to improve the company's financial situation. And it's easy to do. You need to turn off all the electrical equipment, use the lamp, and use the recycled goods once a day. You can also do paperless office work. These can reduce operating costs.
  4. Use second-hand goods or leasing. Money is valuable. For small business owners, we should cherish every penny. Office equipment, use second hand as much as possible, or go to lease, so that your working capital can be invested in content that generate higher productivity.
  5. Pay attention to cash flow. Cash flow is the cash balance in the daily operation. Although you don't spend most of the day paying attention, you'd better know what you have to pay for the next few weeks and how much money you can receive. Let yourself be up to cash, you don't get stuck in a temporary embarrassment, you can get ready in advance, and you can have the power to deal with emergencies.

