2018年12月4日 星期二


  1. 沒有追蹤應收賬款。當你有大筆的到期的應收賬款,卻沒有去收賬,你的客戶一直沒有給你付款,你如何能夠支應日常的經營費用?這會讓你的事業經營陷入凍結。最好的作法是使用可以通知你和業務員,甚至能夠發催繳通知給客戶的軟體。如果沒有這樣的軟體,至少要求你的會計員能夠每週發出一份應收賬款到期表。
  2. 低估費用。零星的採購、水電費、電話費、交通費、公關費、設備維修費,等等,一些非固定數字的費用支出,會在不知不覺中,累積成為大筆的開銷。而且,通常你自己或是員工經常不會及時報銷這些發票,而在他有急需時才一次報銷,會讓你的銀行現金頓然吃緊,難以應付其他必要的經營費用。你最好設定各項費用的預算額度,並且要求定期必須報銷。
  3. 沒有及時記賬,或是記賬錯誤。許多小企業主讓會計員身兼其他工作,以至於會計員未能及時記賬,或是因為匆忙記賬而發生錯誤,包含賬目科目錯誤。如此,會讓你誤判財務真相。你必須養成習慣,請外部審計,或是自己定期做對賬的工作。
  4. 賬簿文件沒有整齊歸檔。小辦公室空間有限,會計員若是又身兼其他職務,她會經常一邊做會計記賬工作,又隨時要接其他電話,容易分心。她的辦公桌或文件櫃,經常就會堆放一些雜七雜八的其他文件,或是她的電腦文件夾中充斥著一堆垃圾文件。如果實在必須讓她身兼其他職務,盡可能安排她每天或是每週有固定時間專心做會計工作,給她會計專屬的文件櫃。
An account error will destroy a small business
When business owners struggling for small businesses can survive, often encountered because of accounting mistakes and make him work come to naught, exit. If you have a correct account, you will have a completely different result. If you perceive that you are already unable to master your financial situation, it is time to take some time to pay attention to it.
The following are some mistakes that small businesses often encounter on their account assignments:
  1. Accounts receivable were not tracked. How can you meet your daily operating expenses when you have large amount of accounts receivable are due, but you are not collect them, and your clients never paid you? This will freeze your business. The best thing is to use software that notifies you, salespeople, and even calls to customers. If you don’t have such software, ask your accountant to issue a weekly list of accounts receivable due.
  2. Underestimate the cost. For example, sporadic purchase, water and electricity charges, telephone charges, transportation costs, PR fees, equipment maintenance fees and so on, will accumulate to into large amount of money unwittingly. What’s more, you or your staff often don’t reimburse these invoices in time, but only once when they need them will make your bank cash-strapped and struggling to meet other necessary operating expenses. You'd better to set up a budget for all the expenses and ask for reimbursement on a regular basis.
  3. Did not keep account in time, or the mistake of keeping account. Many small business owners make the accountant who is also the other work, so that the accountant failed to account, or in a hurry because accounting errors, including accounts subject error. This will make you misjudge the financial truth. You have to get in the habit, ask external auditors, or work on your own accounts regularly.
  4. The records of the book were not filed neatly. Small office space is limited, if the accountant who is also other duties, she often while doing accounting work, but also ready to receive any call, easily distracted. Her desk or file cabinets, other documents piled up some mixed often will, or her computer folder full of junk files. If it is necessary to let her take part in other duties, arrange as much as possible for her to do the accounting work every day or every week, giving her the exclusive accounting cabinet.

