2018年12月9日 星期日


淨現金流 = 現金收入 - 現金支付(在一段時間內)
淨現金流量 = 經營活動現金流量 + 投資活動現金流量 + 融資活動現金流量
Net Cash Flow and Its Application
If you are running a business, understanding cash flow is to ensure that the company is profitable and has sufficient capital on hand. It's crucial. Your net cash flow changes every month, so it's important to calculate your net cash flow regularly to accurately describe your business success. Net cash flow is the difference between a company's cash payment and its cash income. Generally, they are calculated on a monthly basis. You can find them on the company's cash flow statement.
If a company's net cash flow is strong and positive every month, it is considered financially strong, at least in the short term. On the other hand, if its cash flow is weak or even negative (it is losing money), then its financial situation is very poor and it may even face the risk of bankruptcy. Net cash flow provides funds for companies to expand, invest in research or purchase new equipment, pay dividends or reduce debt.
How to Calculate Net Cash Flow
Although you can find the net cash flow in the company's cash flow statement, calculating the net cash flow is very simple. You just need to know how much a company brings and how much it pays for any given period of time. Here is the formula:
Net Cash Flow = Cash Income - Cash Payment (over a period of time)
Another way of looking at net cash flow is to consider the statement of cash flow and its three different parts, including: cash flow of business activities, cash flow of investment activities and cash flow of financial financing activities.
When you establish a cash flow statement, the total is the net cash flow of the company. This answer can be obtained by answering the results of each of the three different parts. The following is the calculation method:
Net cash flow = operating cash flow + investment cash flow + financing cash flow
If net cash flow is low or negative
As mentioned above, companies with weak net cash flow or negative net cash flow may be in trouble. However, although a company cannot maintain bad net cash flow indefinitely, months of these types of outcomes may not be a dangerous sign, especially if the outcomes are well justified.
For example, a company may have a low net cash flow because it is investing in expensive new equipment or paying for a new manufacturing facility. In these cases, once new equipment or facilities start generating revenue, the potential benefits may well outweigh the temporarily bad balance sheet decline.
However, the decrease in net cash flow from month to month may indicate a decline in sales or profit margins, which clearly does not bode well for enterprises. If you are running a business, make sure you know how to calculate net cash flow to make sure that your business is as profitable as you think.

