2018年12月8日 星期六


  • 現金。對於一個企業來說,這意味著在商業支票帳戶和任何貨幣市場帳戶中的錢。
  • 應收賬款。這個術語描述客戶欠企業的款額。將應收賬款轉為現金通常很容易。
  • 預付保險。大多數保險是預付的,如果企業取消了保險單,通常可以收回大部分的錢。
  • 存貨。它指的是供應、零件和物品,它們可以很快地變成產品,以現金出售。
  1. 流動比率(Current Ratio)將流動資產與流動負債進行比較。、
  2. 快速比率(Quick Ratio)只比較現金和應收賬款與流動負債。通過剔除存貨,這個比率更嚴格。

Current assets

Businesses own assets, or at least they should. Assets are anything owned by an enterprise. This article will introduce the current assets.
What are business assets?
Every enterprise has assets, which in the simplest terms are "valuable things". Just as an actor's smile is her asset, an enterprise needs assets to produce products or sell services.
Assets can be tangible, such as equipment or vehicles, or intangible, such as patents, trademarks or copyrights.
Commercial assets are listed on the balance sheet, on the left. On the right, explain the ownership of these assets. Owners should own assets, and they should be "owned" by lenders, banks or others.
What types of assets do enterprises have?
According to the business balance sheet, business assets are classified according to the length of time they are usually held by the business and the degree of difficulty in converting them into cash.
Cash is the most liquid asset because it is already in the form of cash and can be used to pay quickly and conveniently. All other assets are listed in cash and can be converted into cash. Why is cash so important? Because businesses need it to pay bills and employees.
What are current assets?
Current assets refer to commercial assets that will be converted into cash within one year and assets that will be used to operate enterprises within one year. It is also important to understand the background and importance of current assets for enterprises.
What are current assets and long-term assets?
Understanding the types of assets and how to classify them can help you look at the balance sheet of an enterprise and determine its strength.
  • Current assets, which can be quickly converted into cash, are usually held for less than a year:、Cash. For an enterprise, this means money in a commercial checking account and any money market account.
  • Accounts receivable. This term describes the amount owed by customers to the enterprise. It is usually easy to convert accounts receivable into cash.
  • Prepay insurance. Most insurance is prepaid, and if the company cancels the policy, it can usually recover most of the money.
  • Inventory. It refers to supply, parts and goods, which can be quickly turned into products and sold in cash.
Long term assets. Sometimes referred to as capital assets, it is more difficult to convert into cash. These assets include equipment, furniture and fixtures, followed by land and construction. Note that land and buildings take the longest time to convert into cash, so they are listed at the end.
Why is it important to understand current assets?
For an enterprise, it is important to own assets. For an enterprise, it is also important to own some current assets (which can be quickly converted into cash if necessary).
How to evaluate assets?
Enterprises make various assessments based on their assets. Most commonly, those who look at business use financial ratios to make these assessments.
The two common financial analysis ratios used to evaluate commercial assets are:
  1. Current Ratio. Compare current assets with current liabilities.
  2. Quick Ratio. Compare only cash and accounts receivable with current liabilities. By eliminating inventory, the ratio is stricter.
We will introduce the liquidity ratio and the fast ratio separately.

