2018年12月9日 星期日


 -   了解現金流是商業成功的關鍵
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Cash Flow Analysis Skills
- Understanding cash flow is key to business success
The two financial statements that a business company must prepare are the income statement and the cash flow statement. The income statement shows the company's profits or net income. The cash flow statement shows the company's cash position.
Why is cash flow the key to success?
Cash flow is defined as the difference between the available cash of an enterprise at the beginning and end of an accounting period. Cash is acquired through loans, investment gains, asset sales, and operating gains. It is used to pay operating expenses, direct expenses, principal repayment and purchase of equipment and other assets. When you run a business, cash is king. You can make money, but if the cash flow is poor, you are in danger of losing your business.
This article shows you how to do cash flow analysis to increase your cash flow. This article also introduces you to cash budgets and cash flow statements, and tells you how to analyze them. You need to know all this to run your business properly.
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How to conduct cash flow analysis?
Cash is the gasoline that keeps your business going. Cash flow analysis is a method of checking the financial situation of a company. It studies cash flows through your business, called cash budgets, to determine business models, how you accept and pay money.
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The Difference between Cash Budget and Cash Flow Statement
Tracking cash flow is crucial to the survival of an enterprise. Ask the accountant about the cash flow statement and cash budget. What do they mean and how do they differ?
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The First Step of Cash Flow Statement Analysis
Business owners must look at the company's balance sheet for the past two years and compare the differences between the two in order to prepare a cash flow statement. Using the sample information of the income statement and the comparative balance sheet information, you can prepare the cash flow statement.
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Compilation and Analysis of Cash Flow Statement
Analyzing the cash flow statement includes looking at the source and use of funds from the comparative balance sheet.
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Calculating the company's free cash flow
Free cash flow calculation is one of the most important results. As an entrepreneur, you can analyze the company's cash flow statement.
In short, free cash flow is the cash left by a company after it pays any capital expenditure, such as new factories or equipment.
Free cash flow is the standard of financial health of a company. In your cash flow analysis, learn how to make joining stronger for the company's free cash flow.
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Calculate the company's cash flow ratio
There are several financial ratios that can help business owners focus on cash flow.
Calculating the cash flow ratio for your company tells you about its liquidity, solvency and viability. Add these calculations to your cash flow analysis to strengthen it.

