2018年12月7日 星期五


  • 建築物
  •  機器
  • 車輛
  • 傢俱和固定裝置
  • 電腦
  • 設備。
  • 專利
  • 版權
  • 電腦軟體。
  • 它必須是你擁有的財產。
  • 它必須用於你的生意或創造收入的活動中。
  • 它必須有一個可確定的有用壽命。(通過表格計算)
  • 它必須持續一年以上。
  • 土地是不能被貶值的,因為它沒有被耗盡或耗盡。它不會失去它的價值。但是你可以降低一些土地準備費用。
  • 流動資產-你不能貶值資產購買和處置在同一年。流動資產包括供應品、預付保險和其他預付費(您提前支付的金額,如保險)和應收賬款(欠您企業的金額)。
  • 現金-現金是你的商業支票帳戶的金額。它的價值保持不變,並不是長期資產,因此不能貶值。

What are depreciable assets?
Depreciable assets are depreciable commercial assets. That is to say, the value of assets is regarded as a commercial expenditure on the life of assets.
Why is depreciable assets important?
Anything you buy for your business purpose can be deducted as a refund of your business tax. Some of the assets you buy (valuable things) can be deducted immediately (these are current assets), while other assets have a long life, which can be deducted over the years of their life.
For example, if you buy a car for your business, you can deduct the cost of the car for a specific period of time. This is depreciation, and it is a good tax purpose for you to be able to take these deductions.
The IRS uses the term "depreciable assets", which is basically the same as depreciable assets, so we will use depreciable assets in this discussion.
What assets can be depreciated?
You can depreciate most tangible property (property you can see and touch), including:
  • Buildings
  • Machine
  • Vehicles
  • Furniture and Fixtures
  • Computer
  • Equipment.
You can also depreciate most intangible property, including property without form:
  • Patent patents
  • Copyright infringement
  •  Computer software.
The IRS has special requirements for the discount of property:
  • It must be your property.
  • It must be used in your business or in income-generating activities.
  • It must have a definite useful life. (Calculated by tables)
  • It must last for more than a year.
What assets cannot be depreciated?
  • Land cannot be depreciated because it is not depleted or depleted. It will not lose its value. But you can reduce some land preparation costs.
  • Current Assets - You cannot depreciate assets to purchase and dispose of in the same year. Current assets include supplies, prepaid insurance and other prepaid expenses (the amount you pay in advance, such as insurance) and accounts receivable (the amount owed to your business).
  • Cash-cash is the amount of your business checking account. Its value remains unchanged, not long-term assets, and therefore cannot be depreciated.
Depreciable assets include equipment and other tangible assets. Supplies cannot be depreciated because they are considered to be used within a year and spent during that year. Accounts receivable are not depreciable assets.
How does the depreciation program work
When you invest in an asset, it begins to depreciate. "Placement service" means that assets are "ready and available". Even if you don't use it immediately, you can open it to get it started. For example, you can't just buy a computer, sit it in a box, depreciate it, you have to prepare it for use.
Depreciation is basically an accounting transaction. You don't have to do anything to depreciate assets. During the use of assets, an accounting transaction is made in which a certain amount of the cost of assets is deposited in the depreciation expense account and the initial cost of assets is reduced by the same amount. At the end of the year, the accumulated depreciation for that year is shown in the financial statements together with the initial cost of all assets.

(a)   When you sell that asset or (b) it has ended its useful life, you stop depreciating commercial assets. That is to say, when it is no longer depreciated. The time of asset depreciation depends on the type of depreciation purpose.

