2018年12月8日 星期六


  • 現金是從購買你的產品或服務的客戶或客戶那裡來的。如果顧客在購買時不付款,你的一些現金流是來自應收賬款的集合。
  • 現金是以支付費用(如租金或抵押貸款)、每月貸款支付、納稅和其他應付帳款的形式流出你的企業的。
  • 如果顧客付帳,現金會發生什麼變化?
  • 如果你的企業購買供應品,現金會發生什麼?
  • 如果你買了電腦,現金會怎樣?
  •  如果你支付雇員或獨立承包商,現金會發生什麼?
  1. 在這個月底,看看你的總銷售額。
  2. 把你買的東西加起來還需要支付。
  3. 不同的是,你需要引進的收入保持不變。
Supporting Business Development with Cash Flow
What is cash flow?
Cash flow is the capital that flows in and out of business within a month. Although cash flow sometimes goes only one way, it does flow in both directions.
Cash comes from customers or customers who buy your products or services. If customers don't pay when they buy, some of your cash flows come from collections of accounts receivable.
Cash flows out of your business in the form of payments (such as rent or mortgage), monthly loan payments, taxes and other accounts payable.
Imagine "cash flow" as your business checking account. If you have more money flowing in and you are in a "positive cash flow" situation, you have enough money to pay the bills. If there is more cash out than in, you are in danger of overdraft. You need to find money to pay for your overdraft. This is why new businesses often need liquidity to make up for cash flow shortages in the form of loans or credit lines.
What is cash?
For some businesses, such as restaurants and retailers, cash is actually real cash and paper money. These companies take cash from customers and sometimes pay bills in cash. Cash operations have a special problem in tracking cash flows, especially because they may not track revenue unless they have invoices or other paperwork.
Why is cash flow so important?
Cash shortage is one of the biggest reasons why small businesses fail. Insufficient cash reserves are the primary reason for the failure of startups. Cash runs out and closes you faster than anything else.
Cash Flow at Start-up
When you start a business, dealing with cash flow is the most difficult. You have a lot of expenditure, and the money will run out soon. You may not have sales or customers paying you. You need other temporary sources of cash, such as temporary credit lines, to keep you in a positive cash flow situation.
Cash Flow in Seasonal Business
Cash flow is particularly important for seasonal businesses, such as holiday businesses and summer businesses, which fluctuate greatly at different times of the year. Managing cash flows in such businesses is tricky, but it can be done with diligence.
Cash flow and profit
Your business is likely to make money, but there is no cash. Why is that so? The short answer is that profit is an accounting concept, while cash, as mentioned above, is only the amount in the business checking account. You can own assets, such as accounts receivable (customers owe you money), but if you can't recover the arrears, you don't have cash.
Your accounting system can also show the difference between cash and profit. If your business operates on an accrual basis, you can confirm revenue when the invoice is sent, even if the customer does not pay.
In this case, you may be profitable, but there is no cash.
How to Analyse Cash Flow
The best way to track cash flow in your business is to run cash flow reports.
The cash flow statement looks at changes from different business activities to cash, as well as increases and decreases in other accounts on the business balance sheet.
For example:
  • How will cash change if customers pay?
  •  If your business buys supplies, what happens to cash?
  •  If you buy a computer, what will happen to the cash?\
  • If you pay employees or independent contractors, what happens to cash?
Sometimes, you may need to track cash flow weekly or even daily.
Proposals for profit and loss balance:
A quick and simple way to do cash flow analysis is to compare the total unpaid purchases with the total sales due at the end of each month. If the total unpaid purchases are greater than the total sales due, you will need to spend more cash than the cash received next month, which indicates potential cash flow problems.
In-depth study of this statement:
  1.  At the end of this month, look at your total sales.
  2. Add up what you buy and pay for it.
  3. The difference is that the incomes you need to import remain the same.
If this month's cash shortage lasts for several months, you will lag behind more and more.

