2018年12月8日 星期六


為了跟蹤這些直接成本,通常您將選擇兩種會計方法中的一種,“後進,先出”Last In, First OutLIFO或“先入,先出”First In, First Out, FIFO

Direct and Indirect Costs in Product Pricing
Part of your product pricing process includes the cost of producing the product. These costs include direct and indirect costs associated with the production of products.
Direct cost
Direct costs can easily be traced back to the costs of specific objects (also known as cost objects), such as products, raw materials for manufacturing products, or labor related to the work of producing products.
If your company produces a widget and hires a production manager to supervise the production of the widget, then the production manager's salary is the direct cost. If you own a carpet cleaning business, it's a service organization. You hire hourly workers just to clean carpets. Their salary is a direct cost.
Direct costs are often variable costs, but not always. Variable costs increase with the addition of more organizations of products. Therefore, raw materials are variable and direct costs. However, if a leader oversees the production of this particular product, the salary here may be the same, no matter how many products are manufactured, so this is a fixed cost.
Direct Raw Materials and Direct Manpower
The most direct direct costs are direct raw materials and direct labor. Direct raw materials can be identified with product specificity. If you are a furniture manufacturer, your direct raw material will be wood, together with nails, paint, and other raw materials, to make your furniture products.
But you can't count the gasoline used by logging workers to drive trucks to the forest to cut down trees as direct material.
Direct raw materials are all materials needed for the production of raw materials, such as raw materials. Direct raw material costs can be allocated to specific products, such as the cost of each raw material.
To track these direct costs, you will usually choose one of two accounting methods, "Last In, First Out (LIFO) or"First In, First Out (FIFO).
Indirect cost
Indirect costs affect the whole company, not just the cost of a product. They are costs, such as advertising, depreciation, general supplies of your company, accounting services, etc. They are services and the overall cost of your company, not just a product. Indirect costs are often referred to as simple overhead.
Management fees are another name for all the continuing costs of running businesses that are not directly related to the products that provide services. Indirect costs can be fixed or variable. Usually, they are fixed costs -- for example, the rent you pay for the office. Sometimes they are variable. A cost-effective example uses your electricity or water bill, which can be changed monthly.
Indirect Raw Materials and Indirect Manpower
Raw materials such as tools, cleaning supplies and office supplies make it possible to produce a company's product, but they cannot be allocated to just one product.
These are classified as indirect raw material costs. These costs are usually variable, because the cost of raw materials required varies with the volume of production.
The labor costs that make the production of a product or product possible, but which cannot be allocated to a particular product, are also classified as indirect costs. An example of indirect labor costs is the salary of the manager who manages the entire production operation, not just a production line. Some indirect labor costs are fixed and other variables are variable. If the salary is monthly or annual, and does not vary according to production, it is a fixed cost. If it is production-based, it is variable cost.
For entrepreneurs, it is important to correctly divide direct and indirect costs so as to determine, for example, where production costs can be reduced.
Another important reason for tracking and correctly classifying these costs is that indirect costs are tax deductible items. Some indirect expenses will be included in sales costs, business deductions, inventory and other categories. A correct grasp of these figures will also help improve the operation of enterprises.
Direct labor budget
Direct labor budget shows the direct labor cost and the direct labor time required to organize the quantity in the production budget. The budget time for direct labor is determined by the relationship between labor and output. Just like the budget for direct raw materials, you should refer to it. Direct labor cost is a part of the cost of selling goods.

