2018年12月8日 星期六


作為一個企業主,你處於一種特殊的所有權環境中。除了別人欠你的東西,你什麼都擁有。這很好,但你真的知道這種所有權(稱為“股權”)是如何運作的嗎?本文解釋了所有者權益(Shareholder’s Equity)的概念以及為什麼瞭解它很重要。
  • 在獨資企業或合夥企業中,在資產負債表上以股東或合夥人的資本帳戶表示。
  • 在公司中,它被表示為保留盈餘,基本上是股東在企業中保留的股權,用於支持商業成長。

Shareholders' Equity
As an entrepreneur, you are in a special ownership environment. You own everything except what others owe you. That's good, but do you really know how this ownership (called "equity") works? This article explains the concept of Shareholder's Equity and why it is important to understand it.
Equity and Shareholder's Rights and Interests
The word "Equity" means value. It also means ownership. Consider the value of something and the amount owed. The rest is equity. For example, real property rights and interests refer to the value of a part of property that does not belong to the amount of the loan. Therefore, if a property is valued at NT$3 million and the loan amount - the current principal - is NT$2.4 million, the equity is NT$600,000.
Shareholder’s rights and interests are the ownership (rights and interests) of shareholders in enterprises, that is, the amount of assets owned by shareholders. Another way to look at this concept is to say that the shareholder's equity in an enterprise is the amount of money invested by the owner in the enterprise minus any money withdrawn from the enterprise by the owner, not as salary.
By looking at the balance sheet, you can find the number of shareholders' equity in the enterprise. On the left is the assets, the value of the enterprise. On the right of the top are the liabilities, the debts owed by the business and the rights and interests of shareholders: the rest. See below for a more comprehensive explanation of the balance sheet.
From the concept of equity, equity is the shareholder's equity of the enterprise entity. Shareholders have equity, and they buy shares of the company to give them ownership of the business. Equity holdings are in contrast to the interest creditors receive from corporate loans.
How does shareholder equity grow?
Shareholder equity increases: (a) new shareholder capital contribution, or (b) new enterprise profits. This has been oversimplified, but basically, the only way shareholders' rights/shareholders can grow is to invest more money in the enterprise, or to increase profits by adding new sales and reducing expenditures. If the owner of an enterprise chooses funds from the shareholders'rights and interests, the withdrawal is regarded as capital gains, and the shareholders must pay capital gains tax on the withdrawal.
Enterprise Ownership and Capital Account
Every shareholder of an enterprise has an independent account called a "capital account", which indicates his ownership of the enterprise. The value of all shareholders' capital accounts is the sum of shareholders' rights and interests in the enterprise.
For example, suppose Mr. Lin starts his business, and he invests 30,000 yuan in cash and 30,000 yuan in a computer, then his investment contribution is 60,000 yuan. After a month of operation, his small business made a profit of 10,000 yuan, and Mr. Lin decided to put forward 5,000 yuan. Then, his net shareholder's equity is 65,000 yuan.
How to show shareholders' equity on the balance sheet of an enterprise?
Shareholders 'equity changes over time and is shown on the business balance sheet at the end of the accounting period (month, quarter or year). The calculation of shareholder's equity is assets minus liabilities. In a simplified example, if the value of commercial assets is NT$5 million and the total amount of commercial liabilities is NT$3 million, the shareholders 'rights and interests are NT$2 million. As mentioned earlier, the business balance sheet shows assets on the left and liabilities and owners' equity on the right.
On the balance sheet, shareholders' equity is shown in net at a specific time point, usually at the end of the month, quarter or year. The net amount comes from shareholders' contribution to the enterprise and dividend distribution. Shareholders' rights and interests have different manifestations in every kind of business:
In a sole proprietorship or partnership, the capital account of a shareholder or partner is shown on the balance sheet.
In a company, it is expressed as a retained surplus, essentially a shareholder's stake in the enterprise, which is used to support business growth.

